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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The tiny (600') curving uphill strip on Saturna isn't really a destination given its reputation for chewing up airplanes. Mr Prudent had the luxury to go in first  with a helicopter to walk the strip.  Now some of you may consider this cheating.

There's a single lonely emu in a pen, but the helicopter didn't rattle it too bad.  Get prior permission and pre-notify of arrival, and do a few passes to check for kids, people, dogs, sheep, heavy equipment.  It is a little lumpy but not bad, branches and bramble bushes reaching out from both sides trying to snag your wingtip.  The hill is quite steep, so steep that on wet grass you may slide down uncontrollably with locked wheels.  As you go up, keep left and then cartwheel it around to the right at the top.  This will align you with the downhill direction instead of aiming cross-strip, and improve your chances of escaping the dreaded walnut tree clutch.  Pick your weather, no wind.  On Vimeo  http://vimeo.com/103213475  there's a video of Sieg landing his 182 there.

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