Two of the airplanes from our flying group piloted by Jock Bray and Greg Stump landed on a sandbar on the Fraser this past weekend to assist an unfortunate pilot who had ran off the sandbar and flipped his Cesna 150 into the river. The pilot was cold and wet but uninjured. As the pilots cell phone was waterlogged, Jock called the RCMP, SAR and the pilots wife. Other aircraft soon landed to help and the Ultralights returned to king George. Good job guys.
If the Pilot was ok and there was plenty of help around. Why would SAR and RCMP resources be required to attend. This incident could be reported to TC in the required allowable time.
Yep "That's an airplane upside down" Cha,ching to the tune of $15k or more of Tax payers money.
The reason for the phone calls anonymous, was to be sure that a search WAS NOT launched. The airplanes ELT was sending a signal and no-one wanted to swim out to turn it off.
Ok, Good plan. Sorry for the misunderstanding.usually when the term "called" is used I understand it to mean "summoned" as opposed to the word "report" Anyway Good job done by all. He's lucky people where there to help.
Sunday a bunch of the gravel bar guys went out and helped the owner recover the plane. Turned it around,flipped it over and drained the water out. The only damage was the front nose bowl which was pussed back into position on the sandbar, the prop which was replaced, the radios were toast and the mags were soaked. The mags were serviced, used prop installed and handheld radio used and the plane was flown to Boundary bay on wed. VERY VERY LUCKY PILOT
Wasn't a question of if, just a question of when. Too much hype with all this gravelbar stuff. someone's gonna' get hurt.
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