Which is also known as St. Agnes Well Hot Springs is closed to the flying public.
Here is the quote from Stephen Jimmie, IDC Economic Development Officer In-SHUCK-ch Nation: "The airstrip is closed for liability reasons. You will need to drive into the site to visit the hot spring. Thanks"
Sad but true, the end of a beautiful era in the history of King George. If anyone knows the In-SHUCK-ch Nation all you have to do is invite them for a fam flight and see if at least one of them would like to take flying lessons...
The strip was a bit sad looking last summer when Jock and I flew over. Looked like it was being used as a road.
thanks for the update it is sad was a very nice and fun spot to fly in to
Very interesting news. We were in there 3 weeks ago by plane and had a good visit with Robin. We mentioned the trees were getting a little tight and could use a trimming, he said that should be no trouble. He mentioned that very few people were coming by so he didn't spend much time on the upkeep this year. We asked about the treaty deal and he said that seems to have been put on the back bench so to speak. The natives of coarse claim 130% of the province so it must be theirs.We were planning a brushing party before the crappy weather arrived. If one should develop are any of you guys interested?
The strip is still usable, although these days I just mow this end. My friends are always welcome. Robin
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