We have a new airstrip in the works , location is sheltered cove just north of Hatzic Lake it will take an other 3 weeks or so for the hay to come of the field, then some preparation the runway 15 is 1000ft+ long one way in and out the prevailing winds are from the water in the South .
here is a link to a google earth page that will show the exact location and related info .. look at the page...
there is a radio controlled airfield in the approach path about 2000 ft You will be at +- 300ft ,I have talked to them already so the are aware and know they have to give way to ( real) aircraft but it would be possible that if You see cars parked at the RC field to make a circle at 500ft before turning final.
in case the link does not work for You are the coordinates : 49 10' 47 N /122 15' 17 W
Your link to google earth didn't work. How about just posting the lat long.
Well done Ron. We will have to plan an airstip opening event as soon as the strip is available.
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